
1.JavaScript 教程 - 网道 (

2.Node.js 教程 | 菜鸟教程 (

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Here’s a 2-week study plan to learn the basics of JavaScript and Node.js. This plan assumes you’re starting from scratch and want a solid foundation in both front-end JavaScript (which is the core language) and back-end Node.js (which builds on JavaScript for server-side development).

Week 1: JavaScript Basics

In the first week, you’ll focus on learning the core concepts of JavaScript, which is essential before moving to Node.js.

Day 1: Introduction to JavaScript

  • What is JavaScript? Learn its role in web development.
  • Setting up a basic JavaScript environment (using browser developer tools, or an online IDE like Replit or CodePen).
  • First JavaScript program: console.log("Hello, world!");
  • Basic Syntax:
    • Variables: let, const, var
    • Data types: string, number, boolean, null, undefined, object, array


Day 2: Control Structures & Functions

  • Conditionals: if, else, else if, switch
  • Loops: for, while, do while
  • Functions:
    • Function declaration
    • Function expressions
    • Arrow functions
    • Parameters and return values


Day 3: Arrays & Objects

  • Arrays: Creation, methods (push, pop, shift, unshift, map, filter, reduce)
  • Objects: Creation, accessing properties, methods, loops
  • Array and object destructuring


Day 4: Understanding Scope & Closures

  • Scope: Global scope vs. local scope
  • Function scope vs. block scope
  • Closures: How closures work in JavaScript


Day 5: Asynchronous JavaScript (Part 1)

  • Callbacks: Introduction to callback functions
  • setTimeout and setInterval: Handling timers
  • Error handling with try/catch


Day 6: Asynchronous JavaScript (Part 2)

  • Promises: What are promises? How do they work?
  • Chaining promises
  • Async/Await: Simplifying promise handling with async functions


Day 7: Review & Practice

  • Go over everything you’ve learned so far.
  • Build a small project: Create a simple calculator, a to-do list app, or a number guessing game.
  • Try solving problems on platforms like LeetCode, CodeWars, or HackerRank.

Week 2: Introduction to Node.js

Now that you have a good grasp of JavaScript basics, it’s time to dive into Node.js. This week will focus on setting up and using Node.js for server-side JavaScript development.

Day 8: Introduction to Node.js

  • What is Node.js? Understand the concept of server-side JavaScript.
  • Install Node.js: Download and install from
  • Your first Node.js app: Create a simple “Hello, World!” app using console.log.
  • Understanding require and module.exports.


Day 9: Working with the File System

  • The fs module: Read and write files (fs.readFile, fs.writeFile)
  • The path module: Work with file and directory paths


Day 10: HTTP Module & Building a Basic Server

  • The http module: Create a simple HTTP server using http.createServer().
  • Request and Response objects: Handle GET and POST requests.


Day 11: Introduction to Express.js

  • What is Express.js? Learn about Express as a web framework for Node.js.
  • Set up Express: Install via npm (npm install express).
  • Create a simple Express server: Set up routes and handle basic HTTP methods (GET, POST).


Day 12: Working with APIs & JSON

  • Handling JSON: Sending and receiving JSON in Express.
  • Creating RESTful routes: Basic CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) operations.
  • Using body-parser: Parse incoming request bodies.


Day 13: Databases with Node.js

  • Introduction to MongoDB: Setting up a simple MongoDB database.
  • Install and use MongoDB in a Node.js app using mongoose for object data modeling (ODM).
  • Basic CRUD operations with MongoDB.


Day 14: Review & Build a Simple Project

  • Review: Go over the key topics you’ve learned in both JavaScript and Node.js.
  • Build a simple project that combines everything you’ve learned. For example:
    • A RESTful API with Express and MongoDB.
    • A chat application using websockets (


General Tips:

  • Practice daily: Code regularly to reinforce learning.
  • Debugging: Use console.log() and debugging tools to understand how your code is behaving.
  • Community: Join JavaScript and Node.js communities on platforms like StackOverflow, Reddit, or Discord for help when stuck.

By following this plan, you should have a solid understanding of both JavaScript and Node.js by the end of 2 weeks. You can then build upon this foundation with more advanced topics!